I’m a Woman, Almost 30 and Still Single — Am I “Doomed”?

For society, apparently I am. Let’s talk about it

4 min readDec 3, 2023
Photo by Raphael Nast on Unsplash

The other day I went to the dentist for a check-up. I was sitting in the chair, with my mouth wide open while he was checking my teeth, and he suddenly asked: “So, how’s life? Are you married?”

I shook my head and uttered a “no”. He then looked at me with pity and asked: “Why? You’re such a catch!”

Well, dear dentist, sometimes I wonder the same thing.

How it feels to be almost 30 and single

A world built for couples

The truth is, lately, I started to feel quite “alone”. The reality is that, when you approach your 30s, everyone around you seems to be happily in a relationship. Your friends and colleagues start to get married. To buy houses together. You really start to feel you’re missing out. You become convinced that you lack something.

If, before, you would go out drinking and clubbing with your friends, now they invite you to lunch. In the countryside. With their new friends they met at the premarital course, and their babies. Urgh.

You start to realize that everything around you is built for couples, and that you are an outsider.




I love to write about what makes us human, and bold. I write what I write and that’s okay.